MBC Call For Sites
Draft for Submission Local Plan consultation (Regulation 19)
The Borough Council has published the draft for submission version of its Local Plan review (also known as the Regulation 19 version). The Regulation 19 draft for submission document will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate for Examination. It is the version that the council seek to adopt, subject to the examination and will replace the current Adopted Local Plan 2017.
The Local Plan Review sets out the proposed planning policies to guide development in the borough up to 2037.
The consultation on the draft for submission document opens on 9.00am on Friday 29 October 2021 and we need to receive your comments no later than 11.59pm on Sunday 12 December 2021. The draft for submission document, associated policies map and representation form can be downloaded using the links.
MBC Call for Sites https://localplan.maidstone.gov.uk/home/local-plan-review/call-for-sites
The Call for Sites is an important early step in the Review of the MBC Local Plan which was initially open between March and May 2019. The purpose of the Call for Sites is to establish what land is potentially available in the Borough. The land that was submitted will form an important part of the evidence base that underpins the spatial pattern of development included in the Local Plan.
These sites have been put forward by landowners and/or prospective developers to the council as part of its local plan review process. At the point of release (4 November 2019) no decisions have been taken on these sites. Not all sites will be needed for the local plan review and many will be deemed unsuitable.
The Council is currently assessing all of the sites received for their suitability for inclusion in the Local Plan Review. In the meantime, we have made all of the responses received available on our Google Drive.
MBC cannot guarantee that sites submitted from 9th January 2021 will be processed for this Local Plan Review. Sites submitted from the 9th January 2021 may be considered as part of a future Local Plan Review
MBC advise that you first look at the Borough map to find the site(s) that are of interest to you, then use the reference number to view the information submitted
MBC requested information about sites which might be suitable for the following:
- Housing, including specialist housing such as housing for the elderly
- Employment including offices, research and development, industrial, storage and distribution
- Retail
- Leisure including hotels, gyms and cinemas
- Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show-people
- Nursing and care homes